Join Our Membership

Too few Americans know labor history and how they have benefited from the efforts of unions. We have a 40-hour work week, defined benefits, higher wages, paid vacations and sick leave, largely as the result of union activity in the 20th century. We built a middle-class society in the period after World War II, also a period when the work force was, compared with today, heavily unionized.


To Join Now, scan the QR code to access the online membership application or go to

Why Belong to Your Professional Association?

  1. It is the professional thing to do.

    • Doctors, lawyers, and other professions have their associations. BEA, GEA, ICEA, KEA, PEA or WCEA is your Local Association.

  1. In addition to being a member of your Local Association, you are also a member of UEA and NEA.

    • This allows you a voice in education trends, debates, and topics at the district, state and national levels.

  1. Your Local Association is the largest employee organization within your school district.

    • Members are represented on all levels of district committees and programs.

  1. Your Local Association is the recognized bargaining agent with your local school district.

    • As a Local Association member, your voice is part of a collective power through negotiations to ensure better pay, benefits, and working conditions.

  1. Many of the employment benefits and perks that you enjoy are because of your Local Association's negotiation efforts each year.

    • Your Cost of Living Adjustment, duty free lunch, sick and personal leave, steps and lanes, and polices that protect you are just a small example of what your Local Association has done for you.

  1. Your Local Association President, Vice President, and Executive Board members are your colleagues.

    • Not only are your elected Local Association officials representing you, they are invested in the best interest of educators and students because they work alongside you at your school and in your school district.

  1. There are Local Association Representatives (ARs) in all buildings.

    • ARs are the direct line of communication between your Local Association Leaders and you as a member to ensure that every member receives information, has access to Association resources, and that you are being heard.

  1. With your Local Association/UEA/NEA, you have legal protection and advice.

    • Color Country UniServ employees a full-time UniServ Director (teacher advocate) who provides thorough and effective representation in job-related disputes in each of your Local Associations. The UniServ Director can work immediately and directly on your issues.

  1. As a member of your Local Association/UEA/NEA, you also have on-the-job professional liability protection coverage of up to $1 million dollars with the NEA Educators Employment Liability Program.

    • If the incident is within the scope of you employment, the UEA attorney will represent you in your legal matters.

  1. The UEA represents all members with the Utah Legislature and Utah Sate Office of Education.

    • When our state elected officials have a meeting that will impact education, UEA is there speaking up for you.

  1. UEA provides professional development conferences, trainings and workshops at no cost for members.

    • Check in with your Color Country UniServ Director for the latest options in professional development.

  1. UEA & NEA provide money saving and discount program opportunities.

    • Includes savings on travel, everyday purchases, automobile purchases, continuing education, life insurance benefits, credit card opportunities, investments, mortgage assistance, and more.

Sign Up Today!


Click on this link - to complete an online application.

If you still have questions, concerns, or want to understand how your Local Association works for you,

please reach out to any Local Association Leader and/or to our UniServ Director.

Beaver Education Association

Garfield Education Association

Iron County Education Association

Kane Education Association

Piute Education Association

Washington County Education Association